Opening times today for Citroen

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  • Tuesday (today): Closed today
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  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed


🕗 Citroen Opening times in Borsbeek, 2150

2150 Frans Beirenslaan, 150 Borsbeek, be
Tel : 03 321 99 72, E-mail:
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The story of the legendary brand CITROËN dates back to the day when his future osnovatelAndre Citroen, driven by ambitious dream to conquer the world, began his career in the workshop for the production of parts for locomotives. In 27 years, in 1919, Citroën founded his own firm, which became the first company in the world production car production outside the United States.

CITROЁN.jpgTogda appeared as the first and only company logo "double chevron" - schematic


Nearest Citroen stores, Citroen Borsbeek GARAGE VANVLEMEN C.V.B.A

Auto 5 Borsbeek, Borsbeek

De Robianostraat 155, 592.4 m

Open now, until 19:00 (in 35 min)

Fiat BUGA WIJNEGEM, Wijnegem

KRIJGSBAAN 3-5, 2.8 km

Closed today

Citroen Deurne CORZY B.V.B.A., Deurne

Boshovestraat, 87, 3.0 km

Closed today

Citroen Hove GARAGE VITAL B.V.B.A., Hove

Mechelsesteenweg, 11, 5.7 km

Closed today

Citroen Boechout CENTRUM GARAGE B.V.B.A., Boechout

Nijverheidsstraat, 8, 3.4 km

Closed today

Audi Deurne, Deurne

Lakborslei, 81, 3.3 km

Open now, until 18:30 (in 5 min)